A Simple even Obvious Method to Afford Professional Employment to those without Means
This is to suggest a means to provide unimagined opportunity to those who now see none. The higher professions such as medicine and the law require formal schooling and the successful completion of examination by government agency to obtain license. Currently formal schooling is required by government to attempt said examination. This requirement does not seem logical for several reasons. Firstly if we have confidence in our examination methods then we must conclude examination alone is sufficient qualification to grant license and so not present the formidable obstacle of exceedingly expensive formal education. Secondly the requirement of expensive formal schooling as suggested severely limits a great many of the lower and even middle classes from bettering themselves and from seeking and finding employment which of course is contrary to all government employment programs' stated goals. May I suggest we permit such self-educated professionals as qualified by examination but which can be granted a license of a different type which states clearly the self-educated method and so permit those who seek their counsel to freely choose one or the other.
"lower" as in lower case, right?