How to Resolve Conflict

Instead as is commonly performed id est each party attempting to influence the other opposite party to accept one's own thought / opinion / point of view / belief / demand  the proper method is merely to attempt to understand the thought / opinion / point of view / belief / demand of the other opposite party presumably by questioning the logic / reason by which such was attained. If each party proceeds in this manner step by step w/ each answer given it seems to me one of two things will occur. 

If a party's thought / opinion / point of view / belief / demand is not logical / rational such will become apparent to both parties resulting in self understanding by the party w/ the initial illogical / irrational  thought / opinion / point of view / belief / demand. Or if a party's thought / opinion / point of view / belief / demand is logical / rational such also will become apparent to both parties resulting in acceptance by the opposing party. These can only be good outcomes.

I am always amazed the highest officers of government when speaking of adversaries often state such as "They need to ..." as if the adversaries will be influenced by such when what they really mean is "We need for them to ...". This latter method can perhaps lead to understanding while the former method invariably leads to immediate dismissal.


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